
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I CUT UP and MELTED My Stencils

Hi Everyone!
This post is not for the faint of heart.
I'm sharing a design team project I created for The Crafters Workshop. You can see the link to the full post at the bottom.
I'm in a get rid of junk mood and found that I had two of the same stencil, Flower Frenzy.
The Crafters Workshop provided me with the stencils and mediums to create this project.
The opinions I share are solely my own because I do love to use them.

 I cut up the stencil and then used my heat gun (in a well ventilated room) slowly heat the plastic so the flowers would curl. I then painted them with varies shades of acrylic paints.
When everything was dry I attached them to the canvas.
 I have tons of glass beads so I also added them to the flowers and canvas.
Here is the finished piece. 
You can see the complete tutorial by clicking HERE.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Stay tuned for another FINDING ART post next week!


  1. What a super cool idea Karenliz!!
    But i have to say, that stencil is not junk- haahaa
    love ya!Jackie

  2. Fabulous if I could just find those duplicate stencils! I know they're here somewhere.

  3. You scared me at first but as each photo and paragraph went by, the tension eased greatly!! Your finished multi-media creation is very unique and has such an interesting "his-story" to share. Keep up the truly fascinating creative work!


Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to read your all your comments.
