
Thursday, November 26, 2015


Hi Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I will be celebrating with my daughter.
I'm so excited.
It's also my birthday so enjoying the day with my daughter is a special birthday gift to me since she lives so far away.

Today I have a Yupo painting titled Pathways to show you.
I've been hooked on the Squared Scrolls stencil from The Crafter's Workshop.

Here is a close up of all the layers

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have a great day!


  1. Wow nice colors. Have happy Thanksgiving and Birthday too. Have a nice time with your daughter. Greetings, Regina

  2. have an absolutely wonderful time with Caylin! Happy Birthday to you dear friend- you are catching up to me! heehee or wait did you pass me already! lol! xo

  3. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Karenliz, and Happy Birthday too! So glad to hear that you're enjoying both with your daughter. LOVE this piece...texturally mouthwatering!


Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to read your all your comments.
