
Thursday, November 12, 2015

More on the Art Sisters Retreat...... All the art!

Hi Everyone!
I'm happy you're here to join me in part two of the art sister's retreat in Michigan.
I'm going to show you the dolls and the Yupo art the girls created.

You can read Part 1 HERE

You can also read  +JackieP Neal posts: Episode 1 and Episode 2 and Episode 3
She was a picture taking ninja. I didn't see her take them!

Doll makers extraordinaire!
They are the best teachers!!!
Learned so much about assemblage.

Pam and her doll.

Here is a close up Pam's doll.
Isn't she beautiful.
Can you see the DecoArt Crackle Glaze on her wings?

Here are all the curls on top her head.
I would have never thought of that!

Here is the back of her doll.

Sherie works at the speed of light. 
She made two dolls and some fairies.

Here is her first one.
I love this one.
A garter for legs!!!


Here is the second one.
She used a piece of mink from an estate sale for her shawl.

She finds the perfect pieces of jewelry for the faces.

The back.
I love the back of the head.
"straight inside of my soul"
It's on a mirror!!!

Here are the two fairies Sherie made.
Front and Back.


Love this one.
The beach ball is an earring!

This is Jackie's doll but only her face.
She's in for reconstructive surgery at this time.
I love the headpiece.

I can't wait to see her when she's out of surgery.
Again here is mine.
Here back
I taught the girls about playing with Yupo. They had so much fun with The Crafter's Workshop stencils, India Inks, Alcohol Inks, and Golden High Flow Acrylics.
This is Sherie's amazing piece.
Love the colors.

Pam's amazing pieces of art.
I love the color combinations she used.

Here are Jackie's amazing pieces of art.
Bright and colorful just like her.

This one Jackie added some DecoArt Crackle Glaze.
Look at those cracks!!!!!


The nature that surrounded us.

The best part of these retreats is the close sisterhood we have developed. It's amazing to create art with like minded artists that hoard, buy and share their supplies, their talents and their love.
We are spelling Art!

I hope you all get the opportunity to experience it too.
Thanks so much for stopping by!



  1. What a wonderful post, Karenliz - I am in love with all the artwork you ladies created (and must admit to a tad bit of envy at your joint playtime! xo

  2. What a great post, Karenliz! The pics are beautiful! I have to add that you are the best Yupo instructor there is! Thanks for showing us the ins and outs of Yupo-ville :) Love you xoxoxo

  3. Karenliz, A wonderful post which brings to mind such wonderful memories!!
    I am totally in agreement with Pam, the best Yupo instructor in YupoVille!! heehee
    lots of love,xoxoxo
    ps hopefully those fond memories will carry you through your grueling tax season! ")


Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to read your all your comments.
