
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Only Use Gray, White and Black

I'm trying to create in gray, white and black. 
I have a hard time doing that because I automatically reach for color.
To make this tag I put all the supplies on my table and couldn't reach for anything else.

Die cuts, background stamp by Red Lead Paperworks, Golden High Flow Acrylics in Shading Gray, gel medium, The Crafter's Workshop Stencil TCW202s Harlequin, gray tag, scrap papers.

I'm not sure I like it.
I think because it's missing color.
Do you challenge yourself to only a few colors?
Try it!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I don't challenge myself to using only a few colors but i will challenge myself to use colors i don't normally use...the pencil and paint colors that remain largely unused and just sitting there. Lovely tag Hugs! deb


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