
Monday, January 6, 2014

Tiny Moleskine - Happy Playtime

I'm trying to get back in the routine of using my art journals more and need some playtime to back into creating. Many are posting their word of the year or resolutions. This year I don't have one and maybe that's a good decision but I do have some resolutions, sort of. I think 2014 I need to concentrate of my favorite things; stencils, art journals, mixed media, collage and trying to paint in abstract.  I have so many things I want to try but they have been on my list for the last couple of years and either I try them this year or just forget them. 2014 I need to work with the skills I do have and push them to the next level. I may find I have better ideas than my very old list.

Here are the art journal pages I created playing around with paint, stencils, and a white pen.

The page below I found flowers or strange plants in the paint when it dried.

Not finished with this one yet. I may add some writing to it.

Do have resolutions or that one word to live by in 2014?
Thanks so much for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Great pages! I'm with you ~ no OLW for me either this year. I think I forgot mine last year before January was over. ;-)


Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to read your all your comments.
