
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Julie Fei-Fan Balzer - DVDs

I received two of Julie's DVDs as a gift; Stamp Carving Adventures and All About Faces.  Last weekend I had my god-daughter, Cassidy, for the weekend and I decided we both would learn something new. First, Julie's style of teaching is so much fun, carefree and so easy to understand.

The first DVD we watched was All About Faces.

I have always wanted to learn to draw faces but afraid to try. Julie made it easy. Although my first face looks like she's under a spell or possessed.  My second face is a lot better. I decided I need to draw smaller.

Here are my faces:

Here are Cassidy's faces.  She even drew a face and painted it. I wasn't that brave yet.
Julie teaches you the placement of the eyes, nose and mouth and the reasons for their placement. Also, how important eye brows are on the face. Never thought about it really.  Well I need to practice a lot.
The next DVD was Stamp Carving Adventures.
I didn't get a chance to carve I only had one tool so Cassidy carved stamps instead. Julie shows you many ways to carve stamps. I only had one way but I have some ideas for more the next time.  Here are Cassidy's stamps.

She loved making them.  You do have to be careful because the tool is very sharp. Cassidy is twelve and follows instructions well so she was able to use the tool. 
We had lots of fun with these DVDs and I think I found something else she may drive her mother crazy for now!
Thanks Julie for all the fun!
Thanks so much for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Your faces will look less-possessed once you apply some color or even just shade in with just your pencil. It really does make quite a difference. Believe me, once you start you won't be able to stop! lol. It sounds like you had a very fun day together.

    a Willowing friend


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