
Friday, August 19, 2011


Salutations!  Last weekend my god-daughter was over for a sleepover and we had lots of fun. We always do some sort of craft project. I thought I would share this one with you.  For the first time, she was the teacher and I was the student.

She was a great teacher and explained the instructions with lots of detail. She also said she made lots of mistakes and its okay if I make mistakes too. I love it when teachers show that side of themselves no matter how old they are.

We made friendship bracelets. Here is the teacher's bracelet.

Her knots are so tight that this bracelet will never fall apart!

Here is mine.

As you can tell my knots are not as tight as hers. What was funny as we were making the bracelets we noticed both of us chose the same colors (blue, purple, orange) all but one; green and yellow. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Go Create and Be Extraordinary!

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