
Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Salutations!  I am taking the best online workshops from Christy Tomlinson called The She Art Workshop and She Had Three Hearts Workshop.  She is so down to earth and an amazing teacher. She teaches mixed media which I love. I can't say enough about these workshops. The She Art Workshop she teaches you how to make these art girls and amazing backgrounds on canvas. Her videos are lots of fun to watch and she makes it so easy to believe that you can do it too. She even gives you PDFs of her templates for the girls and clothes, etc. The other thing is that you don't have to have all the supplies she uses, although its great to have it, but can use what you have in your craft room.

Here are my first two She Art girls. The first one I think the background it a little busy. I was having so much fun with the background I forgot that I had to put a girl on it.  My daughter loves this canvas so it's hers. In fact both are hers!

I didn't use Christy's templates for the girl. I decided to wing it. I put the words, She has learned to face her fears, because my daughter had to learn a lot about herself in the four years of college. She had lots of struggles for many things other than school work. This canvas is 5"x7". Christy likes to work on 10"x10" but everyone who knows me know thats too big for me. I like to keep it small.

Here is my second one.

I like this one the best. Her little dress is so cute. It reminds me of something my daughter would wear. Christy gives you She Art words to use but encourages you to use your own. This one says, She has learned to jump over her hurtles.  This is an important saying for my daughter. Like many of us we put hurtles in front of us and fall over them instead of learning to jump over them. She has learned to jump instead of fall on her face. I still have to work on the heads and hair but in time they will look the way I would like. There is a sale on canvas in an art store close to my work. Guess where I'm going?

The other workshop, She Had Three Arts, is also an excellent workshop. She teachers you all about the materials from gesso to watercolor pencils and how to use them. This workshop is a art journal workshop and something I've started to love to do. I haven't worked on a page yet but I will post them as I work on them.

Just so you know once you pay for the workshop you have access to all of it for three months. You can work on it at your own pace. I watch the videos on my galaxy tab in my craft room and work right along with her.  Sometimes like the Three Hearts workshop I watch at my desktop computer to learn all about the matierals and when it comes to working on the pages I will go back to my craft room. No, I'm not getting paid to tell you all this but just letting you know that they are amazing workshops. If you ever wanted to try mixed media and didn't know where to start, one of these workshops would be a great place to start.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Go Create and Be Extraordinary!


  1. KarenLiz, I've never heard of these workshops but they do seem to be your style. I like both the pieces you made for your daughter. I'm sure she'll cherish them. I've been working on an art journal for a while, but it keeps getting bumped for other projects.

  2. i love them! the second one is my favorite because of the saying.


Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to read your all your comments.
