
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is it Spring Yet!

Salutations! I can't believe how much snow we have here. On January 27th we had another storm which added another 18 inches of snow.  I just have a few pictures to show you.

The first one is titled "What Car?"

My next picture is titled "After The Storm". Our driveway and walkways were all shoveled but still had to wait for the plows to come through the neightborhood.

Here is a shot of icicles on the house. I actually caught a drop falling off one!

Thats it for the snow! The tag I'm going to show you I made for a challenge on the Paper Wishes Message Board.  Challenge #2 was called Going Dotty.  Your project must have dots and show a new technique or one you haven't tried.  Well, I made this tag and when I was done it was missing something.  Thats when I remembered the technique of using Ranger's Glossy Accents on your project to make words and embellishments pop.  I decided to try it on the red dots on the tag and it added the right touch it was needing.

It's hard to see from the picture but the do seem to pop off the page. That's it for now. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Go Create and Be Extraordinary!


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