
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Finding Art: Even in Traffic

I was sitting in traffic on my way to work and say this check. I love the monsters on it. I love the big eye on the gray one. 

Quick post for today. I'm still cleaning my art room!!!!  Oh one more thing, I had to change the way you have to leave comments. Sorry. I was getting tons and tons of spam.

Remember .. look up, look down, look all around, Art is every where!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Stages of My Abstract Paiting.

Today I'm going to show you a few stages of one of my Abstract paintings. I'm finding taking pictures of a few stages helps me learn what I like and don't like. The last picture it states it might be done. Its signed and waiting to be varnished.

Here is the first stage I took a picture of.  I was just playing creating weird flowers. This is on 11x14 Strathmore Mixed Media Paper.

I didn't like it so I decided to add a wash of black to the painting plus more mark making.

Remember there were more steps in between all these pictures.  I decided to add some gel medium for texture, more blue and green paints, and then spray water all over it and just let it dry.  I love to add water to paints and watch the paint move around. You should try it!

As you can see I started adding more shades of blues and green, stencils, mark marking but I still didn't like it.

When it dried I used a brayer and added white, yellow, green and a little blue paint. Using the dropper from an acrylic ink bottle I added my scribble to it. Again I sprayed it with a little water and let it dry.

Once it dried, I let it sit a couple of days but decided I loved it. It is now waiting in line for varnish and it will be put in a frame. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

on my mind, out of my mind, oh no my mind!

Hi Everyone. Welcome to another "out of my mind" post. I'm going to use these posts to babble and show you creations I've started but not finished. 

So this is usually the way my art room looks like. I call it sort of clean. My room is never really clean and there is usually stuff piled somewhere.  It works for me.

Lately I've been purging things that I just don't use or don't bring me joy. While sitting at my table trying to get my mojo working, I saw that my art room closet door was open.  No, no don't open it! I did open it. I can't even put anything in there it's so full.

I decided that I needed to clean it out and figure out what is in there. In the next pic you'll see I can't work anywhere!

I'm not even done pulling everything out! I now wish I never opened that door! The plastic bin is full of art work is pieces I started but never finished. I decided to take at least 10 pieces out at a time and decide whether I'm finishing them, start from a blank slate and gesso them, or if it's a canvas I don't want, I'll cut off the canvas to use on another project. 

Guess what? I LOVE CUTTING OFF THE CANVAS. This idea I got from Jackie P. Neal, my wonderfully talented art sister. She scans in her art work and uses it in other projects. Why not the actually canvas?????

After this closet I'm going to clean out this drawer of scraps. Don't get me wrong I love scraps but I want to use them for collage.  I'm going to start to pull them out and creating starter collages that I can then put on a canvas.

Finally I'll leave you with two pieces I made. First one is a bouquet I made for my god-daughter for her recital; her last recital.

Last, this is an abstract piece I made on watercolor paper and gelatos. Gelatos are not my favorite tool to use but I keep trying to love them.

Well, if you read this far thank you!  I'm off to clean up the closet vomit! Thank you so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

No Mojo???? Start Tiny!

Hi Everyone!  I've been having problems with my mojo lately. I start and stop projects constantly. I decided to stop what I was doing and start on a tiny surface. Its so much better starting out with a tiny!  I must do it more often.

You can see how I created these on The Crafters Workshop blog.  They are real simple to make using my favorite technique using TCW Gloss Gel Medium.

Thanks so much for stopping by!